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Heroes of anti Imperialist (British) movement (1779-1946)

Heroes of anti Imperialist  (British) Movement

Context: British imperialism Ideology: Emissaries of civilization

Biplabi Khudiram Bosu

A lot of blood had flown from the hearts of Bangla to free India from the imperialist fetters. Mothers lost their children and wives their husbands. But none had wept because the stake was too high, the chances too great and the ultimate result too fabulous to dream. At his tender youth, when Khudiram became a martyr every body wept silently but every body were inspired by his courage and took up arms for a battle against all odds.

Khudiram Bosu was born on 3rd December 1889 in Habibpur, Medinipur of Laxmipriya Debi and Troilokya Nath Bosu. He had to move on to Tamlook where he was admitted to Hamilton school. Like many other boys of his generation, he was interested in reading detective novels and loved to play flute. It was in his schooldays he was inspired by the activists, Satyedra Nath and Gyanendra Nath Bosu who headed a secret society to campaign and fight against British imperialism. He played the role of a savior when the Kangsabati river flooded and was responsible for saving a number of lives. On 16th October, 1905 Bengal was divided by Lord Curzon and this event further infuriated the activists. The radicals swore blood. Arabindo and Barin Ghosh, along with Raja Subodh Mallik together formed a secret extremist outfit called the Jugantar.

Meanwhile, in 1906, February, Khudiram was running errands for the Medinipur based outfit of the rebels. He became known in those parts after hitting down a police officer and escaping when he was arrested at Medinipur old jail ground for giving out a nationalist propaganda called 'Sonar Bangla'. He also robbed mailbags to obtain funds for the society's operations. By that time, in Kolkata, the chief presidency magistrate Kingsford had gained notoriety by passing out stiff sentences against the nationalist activists. Things got worse when Kingsford ordered to cane a youth called Sushil Sen held in contempt by the court. Sushil was left more dead than alive and this incident caused furor through out Bangla. The Jugantar passed Kingsford's death sentence and Khudiram and another youth, Prafulla Chaki, were chosen for the job.

Khudiram and Prafulla trailed Kingsford to Majafferpur in Bihar where he had been transferred. They waited for his carriage near the European Club which he frequented. This was the fateful evening of 30th April. They saw a carriage approaching and thinking it was Kingsford's they hurled bombs at it. The carriage with its passengers was destroyed killing unfortunately two European women, Mrs. & Miss Kennedy while the damn Kingsford survived unscratched. A massive manhunt ensued in which Khudiram was arrested on 1st May 1908, Prafulla evaded arrest by shooting himself. Khudiram was tried and was sentenced to be hanged. On 11th August 1908, Khudiram took the noose in his neck in a calm manner. He faced death like a true martyr and embraced it as it came. In the later days the British administration killed many young-blood but was anybody as gallant as Khudiram Bosu?


Master Da Surya Sen (1894-1934)

The greatest revolutionary of Bangladesh Surya Kumar Sen was born on 21 March 1894 in the Noapara village, Rauzan, Chittagong. He was initiated into revolutionary lessons by his teacher at Bahrampur College, Sri Satish Chandra Chakroborty, another great revolutionary against British imperialism. Being an orphan from early in his life, Surya was brought up by his uncle. A dedicated revolutionary since his school life, Surya was determined not to take any employment under the British imperialism. As such Surya chose to teach at a private school after his bachelor's degree. His wife’s name was Puspa Kuntala.

On 18 April 1930 Surya Sen attacked the Chittagong armory. Following the victory in armory attack, IRA guerillas beat the British troops in various fights around Chittagong and kicked them out of Chittagong. Surya Sen then declared to form a provisional revolutionary democratic government. But the British reinforcement launched another series of attack on IRA. In the Jalalabad war held on 22 April 1930 IRA again defeated the British soldiers. But the IRA lost a few of its committed guerillas in the war. Realizing that it would be difficult to fight the British imperial power in regular war, Surya Sen decided to wage guerilla warfare against the British.

The Britsih rulers put 10,000 rupees on Surya Sen's head. They did not have to wait long. A Hindu traitor named Netra Sen betrayed Surya Sen and the British army could finally arrest him on 15 February 1933.

Surya Sen along with his comrade Tarekeshwar Dastidar was hanged by the British rulers on 12 January 1934. Before the death sentence Surya Sen was brutally tortured. It was reported that the British executioners broke all his teeth with hammer and plucked all nails and broke all limbs and joints. He was dragged to the rope unconscious. After his death his death body wasn’t given any funeral. The prison authority, it was found later, put his dead body in a metallic cage and dumped into the bay of Bengal. 

Chittagong branch of Indian Republican Army

Core Members: Surya Sen, Anurup Sen, Nagen Sen, Ambika Chakroborty, Charu Bikash Datta

Members: Ashraf Uddin, Nirmal Sen, Loknath Bol, Pramod Ranjan Chaudhury, Nanda Lal Singha, Abani Bhattacharya, Upen Bhattacharya, Ananta Singha, Gonesh Ghosh, Moni Datta, Ambika Chakroborty, Shanti Chakroborty, Sushil Dasgupta, Tarekeshwar Dastidar, Naresh Ray, Tripura Sen,

Names of other revolutionaries from Surya Sen’s memoirs: Ashu, Naresh, Bidhu, Tegra, Tripura, Modhu, Ardhendu, Probhas, Nirmol, Ziten, Pulin, Moti, Shoshanko, Ramkrishna, Bhola, Nirmol Babu, Amorendra, Mona, Razat, Debu, Shwadesh, Makhon

Female revolutionaries (1929): Indu Moti Singha, Priti Lota Waddar, Kalpana Datta, Sarozini Pal, Nolini Pal, Kumudini Raksit, Binodini Sen, Kundo Probha Sengupta, Sabitri Debi, Ayesha Banu

Muslim members: Afsar Uddin, Dolilur Rahman, Meer Ahammad, Abdul Huq, Abdus Sattar, Mohd Harun, Fakir Ahmed, Nawab Miyan, Abdul Mojid, Syedul Huq, Ayesha Banu. Kamal Uddin was one of his chief associates.

Netra Sen betrayed Surya Sen and his group in February 1933. They had a tough fight with the combined military and police forces. On 15 February 1934, Surya Sen and Brozen Sen was arrested but Kalpana and Moni Datta managed to escape.  



Born at the Chandpur village in the Bashirhat (or Hydarpur) sub-division of Chabbish Pargona, West Bangla, Syed Meer Nisar Ali alias Titumeer or  was the first Bangalee Indian to politically fight the British imperialism by erecting a bamboo built fort and with traditional Indian weapons. His father’s name was Meer Hasan Ali and mother’s Abida Rokeya Khatun. Like many aristocrat Indian Muslims, the Syed family claimed Arabian lineage and his family claimed they were the descendants of Ali, the nephew of Mohammed and the fourth Caliph. According to his family history one of the ancestors, Syed Shahadat Ali came to India from Arab to preach Islam. Syed Abdullah, the son of Shahaat Ali, was appointed the Kazi (judge) by the sultan of Delhi and he was later accorded the “Meer Insaf” title. The descendant of Shahadat Ali used both family titles, Syed and Meer. Following his early education at a local Islamic pre-school (Maktab), Titumeer enrolled into a Madrasa (Islamic school). Titumeer memorized Koran, had a good command in Arabic and Persian and was interested in Arabic and Persian literature. His intellectual fields of interest include: Islamic scriptures, Islamic jurisdiction and philosophy. Titumeer was also a to wrestler in school. In 1822, Titumeer went to Mecca for Hajj and met an Islamic leader, Syed Ahmed Berelbhi. Berelbhi motivated Titumeer to lead his people away from unIslamic practices to pure Islam and liberate them from British colonialism. Back home in 1827, Titumeer started preaching Islamic practices among the people of Twenty Fourth Pargana with reinvigorated zeal. His preaching was mainly directed to the cultivators and the weavers. Soon he went into conflict with the Hindu Zamidar Krishna Deb Ray as Ray imposed new taxes on the peasants who were predominantly Muslims. Titumir, in order to defend the poor peasants against the greedy Zamidars who were in alliance with the British colonists, involved in conflict with other Zamidars. His notorious adversaries were: the Zamidar of Gobar Danga Kali Prasanna Mukhopadhyay, the Zamidar of Taragonia Raj Narayan, the Zamidar of Nagur Gauri Prasad Chowdhury, and the Zamidar of Gobra Gobindopur Debnath Ray. With a view to defend the local peasants against the coercive Zamidars Titumeer formed a small defence force and trained them with lathi and other traditional weapons. Titumeer’s nephew Golam Masum was the leader of the newly formed force. The Zamidars united against Titumeer and asked the British rulers to help them against Titumeer. The British Indigo dealer Davies was first to launch an armed campaign against Titumeer and was miserably defeated. In another battle against Titumeer, the Zamidar of Gobra Gobindopur was killed. The collector of Barasat Alexander led another police campaign under the police officer of Bashirhat police station but his forced were also defeated. As a last resort to stop the extortion of the peasants by the local Zamidars, titumeer lodged a formal complain against the Zamidars to the authority employed by the  East India Company. But the East India Company ignored his appeal as it was against their business interest Indigo being one of its top profitable exports from India.

In 1831 Titumeer built a fort with bamboo at Narikel Baria. He recruited many young people into his force and gave them military training. Soon the his force exceeded five thousands. Following his preparation for fight against the  British rulers, Titumeer declared him as a “king’ and asked his people to fight against the British colonists. Soon his forces freed Chabbish Pargona, Nadia and Faridpur districts and brought the large territory under his dominion. Thus Titumeer’s reform movement turned into a peasant movement against the British imperialists. Securing his territory Titumeer demanded levies from the Zamidars of Taki and Gobar Danga. The Zamidars sought help from the East India Company. A force was sent to crush titumeer from Kolkata. But Titumeer’s force defeated the combined British and Zamidar forces. Finally Bentinc sent a battalion of regular British army against Titumeer under Lt Colonel Stuart comprising 100 cavalry, 300 infantry and two heavy artillery guns. On 14 November 1831 the well equipped British army launched attack on Titumeer’s forces. In the battle Titumeer’s force armed with conventional Indian weapons failed to stand against the British fire power and took shelter into the bamboo fort. The British artillery guns demolished the fort killing Titumeer and a large number of his forces on 19 November 1831. The British troops captured 350 of Titumeer’s forces including their captain Golam Masum. Masum was later hanged and his 140 forces were put under bars.

Amarendra Chatterjee (1880-1957): Joined the revolutionary movement in 1907. A Jugantar party stalwart and imprisoned by the British rulers several times. Joined the Congress party during the Non-cooperation movement and moved high in the party hierarchy. Returned to Bengal legislature on congress ticket in 1929 and on Congress Nationalist Party ticket in 1937. Later Amarendra joined MN Roy's Radical Democratic Party in 1945.  

Jugantar and Anushilan were names of two revolutionary groups who organized under the guise of suburban fitness clubs. Members of those two clubs were volunteer youth groups who committed their lives for the freedom of mother India.

Ambika Chakrobarty (1891-1962): leading member of Chittagong Jugantar party. Sentenced to death by Special Tribunal, for his part in Chittagong armory raid (1930), this sentence was, however, commuted to transportation for life to the Andaman’s. Later became a member of the West Bangla Rajyo Sobha in 1952 on Communist Party ticket which he joined on release from detention.

Anil Baran Roy (1901-52): Hails from Manikanj district. An MA, Anil was a leading member of the Bengal Volunteers group of revolutionaries. Later he led the Shree Sangha group. Anil was the founder of Socialist Democratic Party (1928). He later joined the Forward Bloc in 1940. Anil passed away in 1952 due to cancer.

Arun Chandra Guha (1892): A leading member of the local Jugantar unit in his birth place Barisal. Anil later joined the Congress politics in 938 and became a member of the Indian Congress student Assembly in 1946 and of the Indian Lok Sobha in 1952-62. Arun was a minister in West Bangla Government from 1953-57.  

Bina Das Bhaumik (1911): An arts graduate, Bina was connected with Calcutta Chhatri Sangha, a quasi revolutionary organization for young girls. Was sentenced to nine years imprisonment for hher abortive  attempt on the life of the Governor of Bengal, Stanley Jackson, in 1932 at the annual convocation meeting of Calcutta University. Following her release in 1938, Bina joined the Congress party and was elected the secretary of South Calcutta Congress Committee. Later Bina became a member of West Bangla Rajyo Sobha. Bina married Jyotish Chandra Bhaumik, her comrade at arms and a college teacher.

Binoy Krishna Basu: Son of an engineer, of middle class origin, Binoy hails from Dhaka. An active member of the Bengal Volunteers revolutionary group, Arun took an initiative, in 1930, to gun down two of the most notorious British police officials: FJ Lowan, the Inspector General of Bengal police Eric Hodson, the Dhaka Police Super.  The top cops however survived the attack seriously injured though. Arun was one of the first revolutionaries to show the guts by attacking two police high officials in broad day light in the Mitford (Salimullah Medical College) hospital premises. Later Arun killed the IG of Bengal Prisons in the Writer’s Building, Bengal Secretariat in Kolkata.

Bipin Behari Ganguli (1887-1954): A prominent member of Calcutta Anushilan Samiti. Born in Hoogli, West Bangla, in 1887, Bipin was a leader of the Jugantar group of revolutionaries. Joined the Congress party during the Non-cooperation movement and became the secretary of Bengal Congress in 1923. Held a ministerial post in West Bangla government in the 1950s.

Bhupendra Kumar Datta (born 1894,): Born in Jessore, Bhupendra started as an Anushilanite but later joined the Jugantar. Incarcerated several times for revolutionary activities. Elected to the then East Pakistan Legislature in 1947. Retired from politics in 1962 and migrated to India leaving his beloved motherland for whom he gave the best years of his youth.

Chitta Priya Roy Chaudhuri: Jatin's partner and like Jatin died in the fight against the police.

Dinesh Gupta (1911-31): A rebel from Medinipur district and a member of the local cell of Bengal Volunteers. Dinesh was later executed for his part in the Writer’s Building raid in which IG of Bengal Prison was eliminated.

Dinesh Chandra Majumdar (1907-34): A graduate member of the Jugantar party. Executed in 1934 on charges of murderous attempts on the Calcutta Police Commissioner, Charles Tegart and his top boys.

Ganesh Ghosh (1900 b): Son of a railway employee from Chittagong, Ganesh was a staunch activist of Chittagong Jugantar party. For his part in the armory raid, Ganesh was transported to the Andaman’s. Later he became a Marxist and joined the Communist party. After the split in Indian Communist Party, Ganesh sided with the CPI. Elected several times to West Bangla Rajyo Sobha, as well as to Indian Lok Sobha from the Communist party.

Jadu Gopal Mukherjee (1866): Son of a lawyer from Medinipur district, Jadu was a doctor by profession. Prominent member of Kolkata Jugantar party, he was imprisoned a few times. Joined the Congress during the Non-cooperation movement but left the party in 1947 over the question of partition of India which Jadu opposed.

Jatindra Nath Das (1904-29): A top Anushilanite revolutionary, Jatindra was the secretary of South Kolkata Congress committee and the member of the Bengal Congress committee. A committed organizer, Jatindra was also connected with the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association. Jatindra died in Lahore jail after a long 63 day hunger strike in protest against the maltreatment of the prisoners by the British authority.

Jiban Lal Chattopadhyay (1889-1970): A notable Jugantarite, Jiban hails from Faridpur, East Bangla. Suffered long imprisonment from 1916 to 1920, from 1923 to ’27, and again from 1930 to ’38. Jiban was elected the secretary of Bengal Congress in 1930. Later Jiban joined MN Roy’s party in 1938 and in 1943 he formed the Democratic Vanguard Party which was later known as the Workers’ Party of India.

Jogesh Chandra Chattopadhyay (1898-969): A leading Anushilanite and a later member of the Hindustan Republican Army. Jogesh served several terms of incarceration between 1916 and 1926 before receiving 10 years imprisonment in Kakori Conspiracy Case in 1926. Joined the Congress Socialist Party in 1937. In 1940 Jogesh formed his own party- Revolutionary Socialist Party. However, he later returned to the Congress in 1955 and became a member of West Bangla Rajyo Sobha.

Jyotish Chandra Ghose (1887-1970): An MA in English and History, Jyotish taught at Hoogli and Ripon College for some time. Led a Jugantar cell in Kolkata in the 1920s. Later joined the Congress and was elected to the Bengal Legislature in 1937 and to West Bangla Rajyo Sobha after independence. 

Kalpana Datta Joshi (1913 b): Born in  Chittagong, Kalpana became an active member of Chittagong Jugantar  party after the famous armory raid led by Master Da. Arrested along with Master Da and Tarekeshwar Dastidar from their hiding place after a fierce battle with a police/military squad, Kalpana was transported to the Andaman’s. After her release from the penal colony, Kalpana joined the communist party and married PC Joshi a prominent communist leader.

Kanai Lal Datta: Kananilal killed Naren Goswami, a traitor who sided with the British rulers in Maniktola Conspiracy case against his fellow revolutionaries, on 31 August 1908 inside the Alipore jail. Kanailal was hanged on 10 November 1908.  

Leelabati Nag Roy (1909-70): Daughter of a deputy magistrate, Leelabati was an active member of the Shree Sangha which she joined in 1925. Leela led the Deepali Sangha, a revolutionary organization of women with its headquarters in Dhaka and a branch in Calcutta where it was known as Chhatri Sangha. Leela later married Anil Baran Roy, the leader of Shree Sagha and eventually both of them joined the Forward Bloc.

Manoranjan Gupta (1890 b): Born in Barisal, East Bangla, Manoranjan led the local Jugantar unit and held an important position in the organization. Imprisoned from 1923 to 1927 and again from 1930 to 1946. Elected to the East Pakistan legislature in 1954. Like many of his fellow revolutionaries from East Bangla (who were, tragic though, later suppressed or killed by the Paki dictators) Manoranjan later migrated to India and became a member of West Bangla Rajyo Sobha.

Narendra Mohan Sen (1887-1963): A top Anushilanite from Dhaka, East Bangla, Narendra later turned a sanyasi (ascetic) under the influence of Ramkrishna.

Niranjan Sen Gupta: Leader of the Barisal branch of Dhaka Anushilan Samiti, Niranjan also led the New Violence Party which comprised a bunch of tough Barisal boys. Later he became a Marxist and joined the Indian Communist Party. After the split in the Indian Communist Party, Niranjan remained with the CPI-M. He also led the coalition ministry of West Bangla in 1967-71.

Pratul Chandra Ganguli (1984-57): Son of a lawyer from Naryanganj, East Bangla, Pratul was a leading Anushilanite. Sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in the Barisal Conspiracy Case in 1914. Joined the Congress in 1922 while still keeping the revolutionary profile.  A talented organizer, Pratul was the president of Dhaka District Congress Committee, Bengal Congress Committee and All India Congress Committee. Elected to Bengal legislature in 1929 and in 1937. Pratul retired from politics in 1947.  

Preeti Lata Wadeddar (1911-32): Dhalghat, Patia Thana, Chittagong.  Daughter of a municipal clerk, Preetilata hails from Chittagong. As a student of Eden Girls’ College, Preetilata joined the Deepali Sangha, a Dhaka based women’s revolutionary organization. Graduated from Bethune College and joined the Chhatri Sangha. Back to her hometown Chittagong, Preetilata joined the Chittagong Jugantar when she was the head teacher of Nandan Kanon Arpana Charan Middle English School. A member of Master Da’s team in the armory raid and also led the raid on European club at Pahartali from the underground and took cyanide at the end of an uneven battle against the combined military and police forces deployed by the British rulers to escape captivity.

Promode Das Gupta (1910-85): An Anushilanite from Bakerganj, East Bangla. Like many of his fellow revolutionaries Promode suffered imprisonment by the British rulers. On release from detention in 1942 after Russia’s joining WWII on the Allied side, Promode worked with the British and American intelligence against the fifth columnists. Became the head of West Bangla Communist Party in 1951 and held the position until the split of CPI in 1965.

Purna Chandra Das (1889-1956): Prominent Jugantarite, Purna hails from Faridpur, East Bangla. He was the leader of Madaripur party known as Purna Das’s Party. Imprisoned several yeares for revolutionary activities. Joined the Forward Bloc in 1939.

Rabindra Mohan Sen (1892-1971): A leading Anushilanite, Rabindra hails from Jamalpur, East Bangla. Suffered imprisonment for a few times. Joined the Forward Bloc in 1939 and later formed the Socialist Party of India.

Sachindra Nath Sanyal (1892-1971): Born in Nadia, Sachin settled in Banaras where a branch of the Anushilan party. Joined the Hindustan Republican Association in 1923 and became a top leader of the organization. Sentenced twice to transportation for life-first in the Banaras Conspiracy Case in 1916 and then in the Kakori Conspiracy Case in 1927. Later Joined the Forward Bloc.

Santosh Kumar Mitra (1901-1931): Jugantar activist. Shot at the Hijli detention camp in 1932 by the camp guards.

Satish Chandra Pakrashi (1893-1931): Joined the Dhaka Anushilan party of which his grand father, Ananda Chakrobarty, a prominent lawyer, was a patron. Imprisoned like his comrades for several years. Later Satish became a Marxist and joined the CPI-M.

Santi Ghose Das (1916 b): Daughter of a Comilla college teacher, Santi was a member of the Jugantar party. Sentenced to life imprisonment for killing the district magistrate, CGB Stevens. Santi later joined the Congress on her release from the prison.

Sudhir Gupta (alias Badal) (1912-30): A rebel from Dhaka. Sudhir was a member of the Bengal Volunteers and committed suicide during a raid on the Writer’s Building.

Suniti Chaudhuri Ghosh (1917 b): A member of the Comilla Jugantar party. She was sentenced to life imprisonment for killing the Tripura district magistrate, CGB Stevens. After her release from the prison, Suniti became an MBBS doctor and married one of her former comrades-Prodyot Kumar Ghose, then a trade union leader of West Bangla.

Surendra Mohan (Madhu) Ghosh (1893 b): A prominent leader of Dhaka Anushilan party, Surendra also led the Mymensingh revolutionary group and later joined the Jugantar party with his group. Joining the Congress during the Non-cooperaion movement, Surendra became the president of Mymensingh District Congress in 1928 and that of Bengal Congress in 1938. Elected to the Indian Constituent Assembly in 1946 and to the Lok Sobha in 1962 to become the deputy leader of Bengal Congress parliamentary party.

Troilokya Nath Chakrobarty (1889-1970): A leading member of Anushilan party, Troilokya hails from Bajitpur, Mymensingh. He was transported to the Andaman’s in 1914 from where he was freed in 1920. Later Troilokya was detained in Burma jail and interned in Noakhali. He was again incarcerated from 1931-38 and then again from 1942-46. Was elected to the then East Pakistan legislature on the United Progressive party ticket but suffered much privation during Auyb Khan regime remaining in self-exile at his village home. The Islamist government’s policy eventually led him to leave his motherland whom he gave his all life in prisons to free.  

Tarkeshwar Dastidar

Uzzala Majumder

Upendra Nath Bandopadhyay (1879-1950): Leader of Jugantar, Upendra hails from Chandan Nagar. Transported to the Andaman’s for Alipore bomb case in 1909. After his release from the penal colony, Upendra joined the Congress party. He was the editor of Bijali, Narayan and Atma Shakti. Later he joined the Hindu Mahasabha.

Satyendra Nath Basu: Kanai's comrade-at-arms in  executing Naren Goswami. Satyen was hanged on 21 November 1908. Afraid of massive public procession, the British authority forced Satyen's parents to cremate his dead body inside the Alipore jail.

Jatin Mukherjee: Died in the fight against the police in Orissa where they were planning to construct an arms factory to fight the British out of India.

Binod Bihari Chaudhury: Revolutionary Binod Bihari Chaudhury was born on 10 January 1911 in the Uttar Bhurshi village under Boalkhali Upazila in Chittagong district. His father's name was Kamini Kumar Chaudhury and mother Bama Chaudhury.

Binod Chaudhury finished his SSC in 1929 and awarded Raybahadur scholarship in the exam. He joined the local Revolutionary group Jugantar in 1927 as a student of PC Sen Saroatali High School. he finished his HSC in 1934 as a detainee of the British ruler in the Deuli detention Camp. From the same detention centre Binod sat for BA exam and passed with distinction. In 1939 He obtained his MA in English and later Bachelor's of Law as a political prisoner from the detention centre.

On 30 April, 1930 Binod Chaudhury participated in the raid of Chittagong armory as a member of Surya Sen's Indian Republican Army (IRA). In the war the IRA defeated the British forces and Chittagong was independent for 3 days. Later the revolutionaries were defeated in the war  waged by the reinforced British soldiers and the police forces. The war is known as Jalalabad War. Many revolutionaries gave their lives in the war. Binod Chaudhury was shot in the neck. His comrades rescued him and kept him in the hideouts where he was treated secretly. Binod Chaudhury lived in the underground until 1933. The British rulers declared a reward of 500 taka for Binod's head. In an interview Binod Chaudhurytold the reporters that Surya Sen was the head of the President in Council of the Chittagong Chapter of IRA.

Binod Chaudhury married Bibha Das, daughter of Kiran Das, in 1940. Bibha was known as Bela Chaudhury. She was a teacher.

Under the British and Pakistani rules Binod Chaudhury was imprisoned for seven long years. In  1939Binod Chaudhury joined the Congress and was elected he Joint Secretary of Chittago0ng District committee. From 1940-46 Binod Chaudhury was the executive member of provincial committee of Congress. In 1946 he was elected the general secretary of the Chittagong District committee of the Congress.

In East Pakistan Binod Chaudhury was elected the MLA in the Provincial Assembly.

A great admirer of Master Da Surya Sen, Binod Chaudhury donated a big amount of money to the Masterda Surya Sen Mausoleum.

At the time of writing this profile revolutionary Binod Chaudhury is living in his small cottage at 120 Momin Road, Chittagong.

Nirmal Sen

Naresh Jay (Jalalabad Revolt) 
Tripura Sen (Jalalabad Revolt) 
Bidhu Bhttacharya (Jalalabad Revolt) 
Tegra Bal (Jalalabad Revolt) 
Mati Kanungo (Jalalabad Revolt) 
Prabhas Bal (Jalalabad Revolt)
Shashanka Datta (Jalalabad Revolt)
Nirmal Lala (Jalalabad Revolt) 
Jiten Das (Jalalabad Revolt) 
Madhu Datta (Jalalabad Revolt) 
Pulinbikash Ghosh (Jalalabad Revolt) 

Binoy (Alinda war)


Badal (Alinda war) 


Deenesh (Alinda war) 

Pratibha Bosu 
Pradyot Bhattacharya 
Brazakishore Chakrabarty
Nirmalziban Ghosh 
Ramkrisna Ray
Deenesh Majumder
Anuza Sen
Anil Das 
Manoranjan Bhattacharya
Bhupendrakumar Datta
Jatindramohan Ray 
Lalit Barman
Satya Gupta 
Satyaranjan Baksee
Anil Ray
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