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Our Liberation War

Liberation War

The most glorious event of Bangalee history. Our  tribute to 3 million Bangalee lives for the independence of Bangladesh.

Liberty, you are
 -Shamsur Rahman

"Liberty, you are my mother's white sari
fluttering in the breeze in the yard.
Liberty, you are the red color of mehdi
on the tender palm of my sister.

Liberty, you are the flaming poster
in my friend's hand.
Liberty, you are the thick black
loose hair of my wife
flowing in the wind.

Liberty, you are the colored shirt
on my son.
the play of sunlight on
my daughter's cheek.

Liberty, you are my garden,
the song of the cuckoo,
the rustling leaves
of an ancient banyan tree,
the note book where I write my verses
just as I choose."

Sequence of political events leading to our liberation war

200 years of Anti British Movement  

1947: Independence (and partition) of India

21 February 1952: Bangla Language Movement (Ekushe)

(1952-69): Movement for Provincial Autonomy

1969: Mass Movement

 1970's Election: Peoples' mandate for autonomy

7 March 1971

25 March 1971: Bangalee massacre by Pakistani army

26 March 1971 (past midnight 25 March): Mujib declares war of independence

Icons of Liberation War

Hindus, Christians, Buddhists & Muslims of Bangla: We all Bangaleee

Mums and daughters of Bangla: Our Freedom Fighters

Four Founding Principles of Bangladesh Liberation War

Bangalee Nationalism Secularism
Democracy Socialism

Declaration of Independence

"Pak Army suddenly attacked E.P.R Base at Pilkhana, Rajarbag Police Line and killing citizens. Street battle are going on in every street of Dhaka-Chittagong. I appeal to the Nations of the World for help. Our freedom fighters are gallantly fighting with the enemies to free the motherland. I appeal and order you all in the name of Almighty Allah to fight to the last drop of blood to liberate the country. Ask police, E.P.R, Bengal regiment and Ansar to stand by you and to fight. No compromise. Victory is ours. Drive out the last enemy from the holy soil of motherland. Convey this message to all Awami League leaders, workers and other patriots and lovers of freedom. May Allah bless you.

                Joy Bangla


Peoples' War

Liberators of East Bangla: Bangalee commoners

The rural Bangalee youth: training for the independence war

Political Leadership

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Tajuddin Ahmed (Prime Minister)

Syed Nazrul Islam (Vice President)

Kamaruz Zaman (Home Minister)

Captain Mansur Ali (Finance Minister)

National Advisory Council

Tajuddin Ahmed, Convener (AL) AHK Bhasani (NAP)
Mozaffar Ahmed (NAP-M)  Moni Singha (CP)
Manoranjan Dhar (Congress) Mostak Ahmed

Bangalee Muktijoddha ( Freedom Fighters) 

Polarization of Political Parties: 1971

Pro Liberation political parties Anti Liberation political parties
Awami League Muslim League
NAP (Mozaffar) Jamat-e-Islam
CPB (Moni Singha) Nezam-e-Islam
Bangladesh Congress Party Pro-Chinese Leftists

Shwadhin Bangla Betar Kendra

(Radio Center of Independent Bangla)

The role of Shwadhin Bangla Betar Kendra, the Radio Center of Independent Bangla was crucial to inspire the spirit of liberation war  among the Bangalees against the Islamic colonisation imposed by the Pakistani military dictators and bolster the morale of Bangalee freedom fighters against Pakistani occupation army


International Alliance

Alliance Forces  Enemy Forces
India, USSR Pakistan, USA, China, Saudi Arab
Indira Gandhi (India) Gen Yahyah Khan
Leonid Brezhnev (USSR) Henri Kissinger (USA)
Nicolai Podogorny (USSR) Richard Nixon (USA)
Kosygin (USSR) Mao Zedong (China) 
DP Dhar (India) Chou En Lai (China)
PN Haksar (India) Huang Hua (China)
Andre Gromico (USSR)  

Victory of Bangladesh

!6 December 1971

Bangalee Capt Hyder leading loser Paki Gen Niazi & his army



(The Pakistan Eastern Command agree to surrender all Pakistan Armed Force in Bangladesh to Lieutenant- General Jagjit Singh Aurora, General Officer Commanding in Chief of the Indian and Bangladesh forces in the Eastern Theatre. This surrender includes all Pakistan land, air and naval forces as also all paramilitary forces and civil armed forces. These forces will lay down their arms and surrender at the places where they are currently located to the nearest regular troops under the command of Lieutenant-General Jagjit Singh Aurora.

The Pakistan Eastern Command shall come under Orders of Lieutenant-General Jagjit Singh Aurora as soon as this instrument has been signed disobedience of orders will be regarded as a breach of the surrender terms and will be dealt with in accordance with the accepted laws and usages of war. The decision of Lieutenant-General Jagjit Singh Aurora will be final, should any doubt arise as to the meaning or interpretation of the surrender terms.

Lieutenant-General Jagjit Singh Aurora gives a solemn assurance that personnel who surrender shall be treated with dignity and respect that soldiers are entitled to in accordance with Provisions of the Geneva Convention and guarantees the safety and well being of all Pakistan military and para-military forces who surrenders. Protection will be provided to foreign nationals, ethnic minorities and personnel of West Pakistan origin by the forces under the command of Lieutenant-General Jagjit Singh Aurora.)

Victory is Ours

Recognition of Bangladesh as an independent state

India 6 December 1971
Bhutan 7 December 1971
GDR, Mongolia 11 January 1971
Bulgaria, Poland 12 January 1971
Burma 13 January 1971
Nepal 16 January 1971
Saudi Arab 16 August 1975
China 31 August 1975

List of members of Pakistani occupation army surrendered to Bangladesh-India alliance forces on 16 December 1971

1. Regular Army

2.Air Forces personnel

a. Officers: 1,606 a. Officers: 61
b. JCOs: 2,345 b. Warrant Officers: 31
c. Soldiers: 64, 448 c. Airmen: 1,049
d. Non combat personnel: 1,022


2.Para militia forces


a. Officers: 79 Armed Police and civil administrative officers and personnel: 7,721
b. JCOs: 448  
c. Soldiers: 11,665  

Naval Forces


a. Officers: 91  
b. Petty Officers: 30  
c. Seamen: 1,292  

Total: 91, 549*

* Source: Major Gen Sukhwant Singh: The Liberation of Bangladesh

Liberation War and creative arts

 Pre Liberation:

  • Jiban Theke Neya: Zahir Rayhan

  • Joy Bangla: Uma Prosad Maitra

  • Joy Bangladesh: IS Johar

  • Nine Months to Freedom: Shuk Deb

During Liberation war: 

  • Stop Genocide (71): Zahir Rayhan

  • Liberation Fighters (Alamgir Kabir supervised by Zahir Rayhan)

  • Innocent Millions (Babul Chowdhury)

  • A state is born: Zahir Rayhan

 News documentaries:

  • Pigram

  • A Child will Cry

  • Sun rise, Sun down

 After liberation:

  •  Ora Egaro Jan: Chashi Nazrul Islam

  • Arun Ydayer Agni Shaksi: Shubhash Datta

  • Bagha Bangalee: Ananda (1972)

  • Roktakto Bangla: Momtaz Ali (72)

  • Dhire Bahe Meghna: Alamgir Kabir (73)

  • Abar Tora Manush Ha: Khan Ataur Rahman

  • Amar Janma Bhumi: Alamgir Kumkum (73)

  • Sangram: Chashi Nazrul (74)

  • Alor Michhil: Naryan Ghosh Mita (74)

  • Megher Anek Rang: Harun or Rashid (76)

  • Kalmi Lata: Shahidul Haq Khan (86)

  • Ekattorer Jishu: Nasiruddin Yusuf Baccu (93)

  • Aguner Parashmoni: Humayun Ahmed (94)

  • Nadir Nam Madhumati: Tanvir Mokammel (95)

  • Ekhono Anek Rat : Khan Ata

  • Banglar Chabbish Bachhar: Mohammad Ali

  • Kar Hashi ke Hashe: Ananda

  • Badhon Hara: AJ Mintu

  • Chitkar: Matin Rahman

  • Rupali Shaikat: Alamgir Kabir

  • Ek Sagaro Rakter Binimoye: Alamgir Kabir

  Short Films and documentary:

  • Agami, Shuchana: Morhsedul Islam

  • Hulia: Tanvir Mokammel

  • Smriti Ekattor: Tanvir Mokammel

  • Prottabartan: Mostafa Kamal

  • Dhusar Jatra, Abarton: Abu Sayeed

  • Chakki, Potaka (the Flag): Enayet Karim Babul

  • Duranta: Khan Akhter Hossain

  • Ekjon Muktijodda: Dioldar Hossain

  • Neel Dangsan: Suman Ahmed

  • Program in  Bangladesh: Alamgir Kabir

  • Towards a golden Bangla: Alamgir Kabir

  • Muktir Gaan, Muktir Katha: Tareq & Catherine Masud

  • Sey Rater Katha Bolte Esechhi: Kawsar Chowdhury

  • Shilalipi: Shamim Akhter

Films overseas 

  • UK: Dateline Bangladesh: Gita Mehta

  •  Japan: Bangladesh story: Nagisha Oshima

  •  India: Duranta Padma: Durga Prosad


Source: www.muktadhara.net

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